How to Avoid Few Common Health Woes

Recently, my mom has been diagnosed with cervical spondylitis. This is a disorder in the neck region and backbone. It is caused by long term (chronic) degeneration (wear-and-tear) of the cervical spine.  She is having such worse pain that she is not able to sleep. With high power sleeping pills only, she can sleep for few hours. My dad consulted 3-4 doctors and all of them have suggested regular physiotherapy. She also has been advised for few exercises. Medication doesn’t help much in this case. What happened in my mom’s case that she ignored her pain initially. According to doctors, she had this problem for the past 5 years but she didn’t care for little pain and continued her daily routine work. When it became sever and intolerable now, then only she talked about it.

This is not only my mom’s case but many Indian ladies who keep ignoring their little problems and later on these small things become a bigger issue. Your health is wealth. We just can’t play with it. In India, we take it for granted that old age comes with pain and illness. Majority of people don’t care about their diet and importance of daily exercise in their lives.

Exercise doesn’t mean rigorous workout but you have to be regular. It’s not hard to practice yoga and slow exercises on a daily basis just for 15-20 minutes. By taking little care about our diet, our postures and habits, not only you can avoid many health troubles but can delay aging process too. You can enjoy youth for a longer time.

I would like to list some of the “To- Dos” for our daily routine:

  1. Take out a regular time for daily exercise or yoga. Yoga is best practiced empty stomach, so sunrise and sunset make the best time for it.
  2. Go slow. Don’t try too hard for it. Start with simple easy exercises such as warm-up and stretching exercises.
  3. Try breathing exercises such as “kapal bhati” and “anulom-vilom”. They are just great for your external as well as internal body.
  4. For motivation, you can join some yoga classes in your neighborhood. Being with others will inspire you and you will learn right poses too.
  5. Eat healthy. Stay away from deep fried foods and too much salt and sugars. Try to include more fruits and colored vegetables in your diet.
  6. Watch your postures. If you stand, sit or walk in wrong way, it certainly causes problems lately. Follow right postures and poses.
  7. Don’t sit in the same position too long while watching TV or working on computer. Get up from your seat in between and take a short walk.
  8. Drink lots of water. It flushes out the toxins from your body and gives you a glow.
  9. If you feel some pain or stiffness for some time, don’t ignore it. See a doctor and get it treated soon.


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