Go Floral This Summer………..

Why to hate sun for peeking at us more and more? Welcome it by being  sunnier and bright. I am loving this season wearing its lovely shades. 

Give yourself a floral flavored treat this summer and trust me, you will love it more. 

 Try donning on your favorite colored floral dress. If you were longing to wear your flowers but were afraid of being vintage-fashioned, this has come the perfect time to wear them. Don’t go overboard with more styling, just opt for bright colors and floral patterns that suit your complexion and body type.

You can accessorize you simple look by going for some lovely floral motif hair bands or pretty butterfly clips. You will have that summery feel by wearing big sunglasses and colored chappals.

Ditch your signature earthy-colored leather purse this summer. Go fashionable with beautiful floral patterned purses and handbags. Not only they will keep you in sunny mood, but will invite a lot of eye glances. 


  1. florals are indeed big this season..:)



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